CHA Updates and Bulletins

CHA UPDATES  - Clubs and Schools Bulletins, Hockey Hitz and CHA email updates- CHA Club Administration Page - CLICK HERE  


18 June 2024 - Platinum Boys Reminder

I hope you are all enjoying the 2024 season and your players are having a great experience too.

I am sending this email out to you all as a gentle reminder of the important and crucial role that the Platinum grade plays in the development of our players and officials.

Unfortunately, the staff and I have been made aware and also recently witnessed a number of examples of behaviour that is definitely not in line with this purpose nor the overall spirit of our wonderful game.

Some of these recent examples include;
- Players abusing and swearing at other players
- Players constantly arguing with officials
- Coaches / managers abusing their own players
- Coaches / managers constantly arguing / abusing officials
- Spectators abusing officials
- Teams not cheering the officials after the match
- Teams not shaking the hands of the opposition team or officials after the match

Unfortunately, the above behaviour has then seen examples of players and officials reacting, arguing and abusing back to the antagonising party, which is an unhealthy situation for all involved.
As I’m sure you’ll agree, there is absolutely not place in any sport for this type of behaviour, let alone our sport.
As coaches and managers of these teams, you will all be well aware of how impressionable this age group is and therefore how important it is for you, as role models, to display the best possible behaviour and guidance as our players continue to navigate their transition from junior hockey to competitive hockey.
Although these examples are not great, they have not quite been to a level (some very close) warranting further investigating or possible judicial processing, but more than enough to warrant a direct email of this nature.

For complete transparency, the above examples have mostly occurred in the Platinum Boys grades, but not exclusively, hence this email to the entire grade as a reminder.
As an association, we would really appreciate if you all take the time after reading this email to reflect and review on what attributes you are displaying to your team as a coach or manager, and then take the chance to have a healthy conversation with your players about the importance of respect and sportsmanship towards each other, opposition players and our officials – who are also still learning the game too.

Please also feel free to forward this email onto the parents of your players, as this type of guidance and role modelling on the sidelines would also be greatly appreciated.
From our side, we will continue to work on the support and provide development for our growing and exciting pool of officials to help deliver the best experience possible.

I hope this email is received in the spirit it is intended and we see fewer examples of the above poor behaviour and more examples of great hockey and experiences.


For complete transparency, the above examples have mostly occurred in the Platinum Boys grades, but not exclusively, hence this email to the entire grade as a reminder.


As an association, we would really appreciate if you all take the time after reading this email to reflect and review on what attributes you are displaying to your team as a coach or manager, and then take the chance to have a healthy conversation with your players about the importance of respect and sportsmanship towards each other, opposition players and our officials – who are also still learning the game too.


Please also feel free to forward this email onto the parents of your players, as this type of guidance and role modelling on the sidelines would also be greatly appreciated.


From our side, we will continue to work on the support and provide development for our growing and exciting pool of officials to help deliver the best experience possible.


I hope this email is received in the spirit it is intended and we see fewer examples of the above poor behaviour and more examples of great hockey and experiences.


If you have any q

14 June 2024 - U13 & U15 July Holiday Development Camps:

Upcoming in the holidays are the U13 & U15 Extension Programmes, which you may already have seen advertised on Canterbury Hockey social media. Recognising that not all of our community would be active on Facebook or the likes, we wanted to ensure that our club and school members are aware of the upcoming development opportunities. Below is more information about the Development Camps taking place in the holidays, we would really appreciate if you could distribute this to your club/school members 

U13 & U15 July Holiday Development Camps:

A similar format will be followed this year with the extension programme being delivered in two parts once again, both as standalone events. The Development Camps will be delivered during the July school holidays, and then the Regional Festival will take place during the September/October holidays (Please note – each event will have a separate registration process). The camps for both age groups will take place in the second week of the school holidays due to Canterbury hosting the U18 National Women’s Tournament. We are really excited by the quality of coaches already signed up to coach at this programme and are confident players will have a great experience having fun while improving their hockey.

For more information on the Development Camps check our website, this includes more detail around the dates, cost, and what is included:

  1.  Under 13 (Year 7&8):<>
  2.  Under 15 (Year 9,10, & 11):<>

Registrations close midnight Sunday 30th June.

If you, or your club/school community have any questions please send them in my direction.

Good luck for all hockey over the weekend! 😊

Kind regards,

Joe Piggott |  Community Participation Manager  |  Canterbury Hockey association
P 03 360 3015  | M 027 765 3831  |  E<>  |<>

12 June 2024 - Nga Puna Wai Trainings Wednesday 26th June HSOB, UC, Hornby, Avon, Carlton and SUHC

 Im reaching out enquiring re your club training slots on Wednesday the 26th of June at Nga Puna Wai.

 On Thursday the 27th of June our under 20/21 Matariki tournament begins and some of the travelling teams arrive Wednesday and looking for a training slot that evening.


As that weekend there are no CPL matches I’m reaching out to see if any of your team/s may want to cancel their Wednesday training at Nga Puna Wai. There is no obligation to cancel but if they were possibly planning on having the night off it would be great to know this week so we can reallocate the space!

5 June Junior Draw Block 2

The Draws for junior hockey for this weekend are now all LIVE on PlayHQ. Some of these were out last night but there were some small changes so please ask all your teams to recheck their draw this afternoon to make sure they see the most up to date version and any changes that may have affected their games

The Saturday Year 5 and 6 Kiwi Sticks boys has definitely had venue changes so please get your teams to recheck these!

The remaining 4 weeks of this current 5 week block will all be live by tomorrow

By the end of this week I will send out a list of which band all of your teams are currently allocated in for your viewing and you can keep track of if you want to move them again

If you have any questions please come back to me

4 June 2024 - Platinum Boys Update

There has been an important update to the Platinum Division 1 and 2 boys draws as follows
The Marist Mavericks have moved from Division 1 to Division 2
The Waikirikiri Toroa have moved from Division 2 to Division 1

Because of these changes please ask your platinum teams to recheck their draw again for this coming weekend as there have been some slight changes to venues and times for The Waikirikiri Toroa, SUHC 2 and Marist Mavericks.

As the full first round has been complete this will is straight swap. Any points played for in round 1 with these two teams involved in the game will be void.

Since the Marist Mavericks and Waikirikiri Toroa will only get to play their new teams twice (everyone else will play everyone else 3 times) this first time that these two teams play their new opposition double points will be on offer for both teams. This means the result for the first time these teams play their new teams your competition points, goal for and goals against will be doubled. This simulates the Mavericks and Toroa  being eligible for three rounds worth of competition points. This also gives their opposition the ability to win 3 rounds worth of competition points against these new teams even though they only play them twice. This isn't the perfect scenario but it has been used in the past for teams that are regraded to give all teams in a division equal chance of winning the same quantity of competition points.

If you have any questions regarding these Platinum boys grades please reach out

31 Mei 2024 - Heritage Weekend

The Canterbury Hockey Heritage Round of the CPL returns on Saturday 15th June at Nunweek Park!  We will be running the event the same as last year, with half time nibbles being provided by Canterbury Hockey, and Clubs covering their bar tab for the duration of their hospitality session.

Canterbury Hockey will be hosting your club attendees in the Nunweek Pavilion from the beginning of your club’s match on Nunweek Turf 1.
Please feel free to send the below invite on to whomever you would like to be part of your hosting session – We really encourage you to think about who from your club would benefit from an invite, as it will be a great way to keep people interested and connected to your club and to Canterbury Hockey - Club Life Members (including any CHA life members at your club), Key Club Contributors, Club Legends etc.

Please provide the number of attendees to Canterbury Hockey by Monday 10th June, including one or two representatives who will take part in the pre-game coin toss and ceremonial walk-on.
We will also be running a slideshow off heritage hockey photos so please feel free to send any photos you may have through to me to add to the slideshow!

Let me know if you have any questions or require more information.


31 May 2024 - Updated Competition CHA document - Revised Div 1 Women

CLICK HERE for document


30 Mei (May) 2024 -Junior Hockey Competitions | Regrade opportunity

With part one of the junior season complete we now request that if any teams would like to be regraded to either a higher or lower ability group for their next block of games please get me the grade, Gender and team name and which way they would like to move and we can action it for the next round of matches

30 Mei (May) 2024 - Club Umpire Update 2024

Over the past couple of weeks, I have received similar emails from members in our community over some issues we are having at different venues. 

We seem to be getting a few Umpires no shows at Foster Park. I am currently working with Selwyn’s Sports council to get more staff presence around at the turf. If your club fills in a game at Foster Park (covering a “no show”), can you please flick me an email so I can follow it up with the absent club.
Umpire arrival time – can we please ensure our club umpires turn up a minimum 15 minutes before the game has started. We have had multiple times so far this year umpires have been late to games and the Club or CHA Umpire has had to start it for them. If you’re umpire is late to the game, I have been providing a financial credit towards the person who has started this – a cost the Association really doesn’t need to be incurring. Arriving late to umpire is not fair on the players who are paying fees for a well organised match.
If your club steps in for a “no show”, we will financially reward your club with the appointment for the game. This does not mean you are “credited” for future club “no shows”, however it will be considered towards any warnings or penalties.
When appointing to games, can we please also show consideration to what game we are appointing teams / players to. We have had a couple of instants where a less confident young males or females have been appointed is doing Platinum 1, SSL Premiership/Championship, or MWO Div 1 matches. I understand that sometimes we are limited on who we can appoint, but if some effort can be put into reviewing the appointed matches vs the appointed umpire, that would be much appreciated.
Note – just to provide some context with our CHA umpires, if they don’t turn up to their appointed game, they are required to umpire two matches with no reimbursement.

We have had some really positive and amazing moments happen in the community.

29 May 2024 - Match Card Administration | CPL, Division 1 and Secondary School Premier

Match card administration update to help ensure greater clarity to teams in our CPL, Division 1 and SSP competitions. This message will also be shared with our technical officials who administer matches in these grades with the intent of providing consistency across our venues and games.

Management staff in the dugout during matches

As noted in the CHA rules and regulations, only 3 management (coaches, assistant coaches, managers) are allowed in the dugouts during matches. PlayHQ allows teams to add coaches to the electronic match cards but does not allow the addition of managers. To help solve this issue, we are now requiring all coaches AND managers to register on PlayHQ as a COACH. This will then allow all management personal (maximum of 3) to be officially added to the match card under the coaches section.

The only time where 4 management personal are permitted in a teams dugout is when the fourth person is a CHA approved physio/Doctor. Anyone approved by CHA to be the additional person in the dugout will be communicated to our technical officials.

Players on the match card and in the dugouts during matches

The maximum amount of players on electronic match cards and in the dugouts during a game is 16 if 1 x fully kitted goalkeeper or 18 if there are 2 x fully kitted goalkeepers. To be eligible to be added as a player on the match card you must be a fully uniformed player present with all hockey required equipment for match day.

Electronic match cards

It is extremely important that electronic match cards are filled out correctly before each game. Technical officials will be checking every match card thoroughly before each game begins to ensure that the names on the match card and quantity of people match the people on the field and in the dugout. Managers will be required to edit the match card if incorrect before they complete any of their other duties.

As clubs and team managers will know, there is a “Add fill in player” option at the ground. To avoid using this function it is best practise that the manager use their own personal log in on their own device to search their club database to add this person to the match card. If the “add fill in player” function needs to be used on the tablets, please add their full name correctly, as at the beginning of each week I will run a fill in report, then go into the match card and remove the fill in and add the actual persons profile for better tracking of participants play up matches.

As of Friday 7th June, the above match card and dugout standards will be accepted to be adhered to by all CPL, Division 1 and SSP teams, players and management.  If you have any questions around the above, please do not hesitate to contact me prior to this date.

Sam Grimshaw | Competitions and Events | CANTERBURY HOCKEY ASSOCIATION 

2 May 2024 - Junior Hockey Rule Clarification & Kiwi Sticks Power Play Information

If you can please forward this information on to the relevant people within your club (coaches, parents etc.).
In preparation for the 2024 season, Canterbury Hockey have completed a thorough review of all junior hockey grades to modify the player framework.  The aim of these changes it to improve progression through the age groups, adding in appropriate modifications relevant to age and stage. You can see a brief overview of the grades below.

Attached are three documents that provide clarity about the rules within junior hockey:
  *   Document 1: Guidelines Poster = a very easy to digest summary of the three age groups and progressions - I suggest this being shared to your parent community
  *   Document 2: Small Sticks Booklet = a full detailed explanation of how rules of each grade will look
  *   Document 3: Kiwi sticks Power Play = one pager of information for the Power Play that will replace PC's in Year 5&6 hockey

One of the bigger changes is within the Kiwi Sticks Grade (Year 5&6) with the addition of the Power Play. Canterbury Hockey is aiming to provide as much information as possible to the relevant people to ensure that week one goes smoothly. Inevitably, there will still be hiccups as people are learning new rules, but we are doing everything possible to educate clubs, officials, venue supervisors, and coaches so hopefully the community is well informed.

Within the Kiwi Sticks grade, from 2024 onwards, we will be replacing Penalty Corners with the Power Play. Some of the rationale for this includes the following: to speed up the game, improve player safety, simply the rules for players/coaches/umpires, and to minimise time dedicated to PC practice at trainings (vs the new powerplay skills that are very relevant to all hockey moments).

How the Power Play will work:
  1.  When a foul is committed inside the attacking circle, a powerplay is awarded.
  2.  The powerplay will be taken from the long corner mark.
  3.  The defensive team must set up with three players in the defensive circle (including goalkeeper), while the other four defenders start in the opposite circle.
  4.  The attacking can be positioned anywhere, as long as the ball starts from the long corner mark.
  5.  Once everyone is set up, the umpire will blow the whistle to initiate play and the powerplay begins.
  6.  The ball must move 5m or be touched by another player before entering the circle. At this point, normal play resumes.

Please see the following video link that provides a video with voiceover of how the Power Play will look -

We would appreciate for you to spread this information around your club to ensure all relevant people have good understanding of this rule change.
If you have any other questions, then please let us know.
Joe Piggott |  Community Participation Manager  |  Canterbury Hockey association

2 May 2024 - Venue Supervisor and Match updates
With juniors starting 10th and 11th of May I wanted to provide you with the following information so you are up to date with all the setup, rules and changes to our junior hockey program.
Attached is the following- CHA small sticks booklet with grade specific information
-  CHA small sticks booklet with grade specific information
Table of all the main rules of each grade (players on the field, field set up, timings of the matches etc) ** please note the cones required to be placed half way between the top of the circle and half way for long corners for Kiwi sticks and Kwik Sticks
Video of power plays for Kiwi Sticks year 5-6 Hockey
The grounds and venue supervisors for grades is as follows so you know specifically what to look for

Marist – Lynley and Steve – Kiwi Sticks year 5-6 (followed by high school games)

Nunweek Park – Jordan Sim – Mini Sticks year 3-4 on turf 1 (followed by School Hockey)

Nga Puna Wai – Jordyn Ellis – Kiwi Sticks year 5-6 on both turfs (followed by high school games)

Rangiora and Foster Park – Mini sticks game generally every second week or so.

Marist – Lynley – Kwik Sticks year 7 and 8 (followed by senior hockey)

Nunweek Park – Steve and Arthur – Kwik Sticks year 7-8 (followed by senior hockey)

Nga Puna Wai – Lucy Weller – Turf 1 Kiwi Sticks year 5-6 and turf 2 Kwik Sticks year 7-8 (both turfs followed by senior hockey)

Mainpower Rangiora – Tony Kean – Mini Sticks and Kiwi sticks (rd 1), Kiwi Sticks (rd 2), Kwik Sticks (rd 3 and 4)

Rolleston – Hayley Miles and Waikirikiri - Mini Sticks and Kiwi sticks (rd 1), Kiwi Sticks (rd 2), Kwik Sticks (rd 3)

Rangi Ruru – HSOB/Burnside – Kiwi Stick years 5-6

St Margarets – Avon – Kiwi Sticks year 5-6

St Andrews Prep Turf – Carlton Redcliffs– Kiwi sticks year 5-6

Wycola – Hornby – Mini Sticks year 3-4

Medbury – Sasha Allen – Mini Sticks year 3-4

Sydenham Park – SUHC – Mini Sticks year 3-4

Please use the attached documents and the below picture

Any questions please send through anytime between now and next week!



1 May 2024 - Junior Competitions Draws live

All of our juniors draws are now live on PlayHQ!

  *   The draw is for the first three weeks of the season (up until kings birthday weekend). Following the first 3 games the next section of the season will be completed with any teams requiring moving up or down ability groups
  *   Friday Night Year 5-6 Kiwi Sticks will be at Marist Park and Nga Puna Wai at 4.15pm. We will review these timings and locations after the first three weeks so any feedback is appreciated
  *   In regards to umpires for the Friday night Kiwi Sticks - we are currently engaging with clubs to provide junior umpires for these games but please make your coaches prepared to possibly have to umpire some games over the first 3 rounds
  *   Friday Mini sticks games are mainly at Nunweek park like 2023 with the odd game at Rangiora and Rolleston for their home teams.
  *   In regards to our Saturday games the current schedule across our turf network currently allows for games no earlier than 8.45am and finishing no later than 12.30pm

In the next 48 hours, clubs will receive a further email with the junior booklet, a simplified table of key rules for each grade, and video presentations regarding the new POWER PLAYS in the kiwi sticks year 5-6 Grade. There will be action points for clubs coming for this communication to help get the word out to players, coaches and parents within your club.
Any questions or team changes (hopefully not!) please get in touch
Sam Grimshaw | Competitions and Events | Canterbury Hockey ASSOCIATION

1 May 2024 CHA coaching course opportunity at Carlton Redcliffs

Could you kindly share this information with the individual in your club responsible for coaching in the Junior, Youth or Senior space.
Canterbury Hockey is excited to offer a coaching course for your club catering to either Primary, Youth or Senior levels. We have observed that coaches are more likely to participate in workshops when they are conducted with fellow club coaches, preferably in your local area if a suitable venue can be arranged.

If you are interested, please respond to me with the following details:

  *   Coaching Range/Level (Primary, Youth or Senior)
  *   Preferred delivery time//day and date
  *   Facility or location that would be most convenient.
  *   Main content you would like covered.

We also have the option of combining clubs to ensure we have the best turnout. If you have any queries about the coaching workshops, feel free to reach out to me directly.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Kind Regards,
Sunjay Ganda |  Hockey Development Manager  |  Canterbury Hockey Association

30 Apr 2024 - STAC site supervision update

29 Apr 2024 - Platinum Girls redraw

Could you please pass onto your platinum girls coaches that we have had some teams request to move grades, so I have removed the draw from the website, and will be completing a re draw before posting the games again. This may mean your team/s draw has changed so please make them aware to check. Hopefully ill have this complete by this afternoon

Sam Grimshaw | Competitions and Events | Canterbury Hockey ASSOCIATION

26 Apr 2024 CHA Club Umpiring Sessions - Junior and Seniors
Junior Umpiring sessions would run for 1 hour with 40 minutes being upstairs and 20 minutes outside playing some games. We would require all Umpires that attend, to have a whistle with them for the practical element. This session would be open of ages of kids from 10 - 15 years old.

Senior Sessions
A few issues, I am hearing from our senior umpire coordinator who look after our club to supply is lack of people who can umpire these games. I am keen to run a session at each club, catered towards our Sunday League, MWO, Saturday Men & Women players to help umpire when their teams get appointed. This session would be catered for people 16 years older.

If your club is interested in either a Junior, Senior or both Umpiring sessions. Can you please come back to me with some dates, and times that can work for your club and I will be in touch with you shortly.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Nga mihi nui,
Ethan Booth | Officials Development Officer | CANTERBURY HOCKEY ASSOCIATION

26 Apr 2024 Club Competition Structure

Good morning club secretaries
Please see the updated Season Structure document which includes updates for our Platinum grades **Please note the extra playing date for Platinum boys
If you have questions regarding any competition structure please get in touch

23 Apr 2024 - Platinum and Junior Draws

Good morning club secretaries and junior club contacts
Just to keep you updated please see below
Our platinum draws will all be released tomorrow at midday. The first playing date for Platinum grades will be Sunday the 5th of May.
Junior draws - Hoping to have the first three weeks of these (up until kings birthday weekend) out by the end of this week


10 Apr 2024 - Lights instructions - Nunweek and Ngā Puna Wai

Lock boxes containing light keys can be found very near the switches on the side of the umpire dug outs beside each turf.  The code for the lock box is 1976.

To turn lights on, insert key into the top switch and turn onto training mode. Then remove the key by turning it back to the centre position and pulling it out. Return key to lockbox and lock by re-entering the code and snipping it shut.

Leave the lights on after you have finished your session. The supervisor will turn them off at the end of the evening

Nunweek lights -  Contact Warren or Sheena for code and instructions



8 Apr 2024 - Sunday League and Platinum Women Carlton and Avon Play up rules

Reddos teams in 2024 Coaches and Managers are:
Sunday League Black - Andrew Hawkes, Scott Kyle and Maria Hayes (Manager)
Sunday League CR Avon Whio - Wendy Brockett (This is a combined team where players are registered into the team from both clubs, so play up rules apply within respective clubs)
Platinum Black - Mila Ballin and Lisa Landgridge (Manager)
Platinum Red - TJ Rusdon-Rowley
MWO White - BErtie Thompson, Penny Gough, Liv Young
MWO Blue - Krystal Scott, Courtney Williamson, Suzie Pottinger
MWO Red - Sasha Rae Friese and Lyn Jansen

Carlton Redcliffs female play up rules

Carlton Sunday league players (from either of their teams)
-  can play up into Carlton Division 1 OR CPL
-  can play into any combo of MWO teams

Carlton Platinum year 11 and above 
– Any Sunday league team
- Any combo of MWO teams
Carlton platinum Year 10 – play up to any Sunday league team
Carlton Platinum year 9 – Only to other higher platinum teams
Avon female play up rules

Avon Sunday league up into CPl or Div 1
Avon Platinum year 9 – Only to other higher platinum teams
Avon platinum Year 10 – play up to any Sunday league team
Avon Platinum year 11 and above – 
Any Sunday league team OR if they don’t have one into Division 1 (this doesn’t not apply to your two clubs are both of you technically have a Sunday league team combined)


23 Feb 2024 - CPL and Division 1 Squad size update | Goalkeepers

With trials underway we wanted to release a rule change in regards to CPL and Division 1 squads sizes. With the increase in both the quality and quantity of field players and goalkeepers locally we are always looking to adapt our rules to suit the modern game. Please note the following updates:

  *   Both CPL and Division 1 can play with 18 players on match day with two fully kitted legitimate goalkeepers.
  *   When naming your CPL and Division 1 teams on PlayHQ there must still be a minimum of 14 players. Both squads must have a minimum of 1 goalkeeper within this 14 and a maximum of 2 goalkeepers.
  *   If a player played NHC TIER 1 for any associations team or for any Canterbury Senior team at NHC they must play in your clubs top team.
  *   If a goalkeeper "plays up" from a lower ranked team this will count towards their play up tally regardless of if they take the field or not.
  *   As normal, clubs must name their minimum of 14 players before their first championship game on PlayHQ. Once all clubs have named their minimum of 14 players on PlayHQ these lists will be released to all clubs by me.

This will be updated in the rules and regulations document 2024

If you need any clarification please get in touch


Sam Grimshaw | Competitions and Events | Canterbury Hockey ASSOCIATION


17 Jan 2024 - CHA 2024 Season Structure document - CLICK HERE


SENIOR RULE CHANGES - Only major change confirmed from 2022 is that all CPL teams can have 18 players on the card including 2 goal keepers

19 June 2023 Div 1 Men and Women Draw out

The division 1 Mens and Womens draw is now Live on PlayHQ for the next section of pool play.   As always, we have tried to schedule the games as evenly as possible in regards to venue and time allocations while also trying to ensure you do not play at the same time as your same genders CPL team.

**Note in the division 1 Mens grade the table originally had Harewood in 3rd and Mid Canterbury in 4th. This was due to the Goal % PlayHQ uses to calculate place standings. We use goal differential which is slightly different. In this case HWD and MC men were on the same amount of championship points, same amount of wins, and same Goal differential but MC had a higher GOAL FOR which is the next criteria on the CHA rules. This means MC finish 3rd and HWD 4th.


22 May 2023 Div 1 and CPL Team lists

Please see attached each clubs list of players registered in their Division 1 and CPL teams
Hopefully this will help provide greater clarity on who is name where compared to who was named where on "Facebook announcements"

Sam Grimshaw  |  Competitions and Events Manager  |  Canterbury Hockey ASSOCIATION

18 May 2023 - Win Hockey New Zealand Coaching opportunity

Hockey New Zealand is excited to work with the Coach for Life Foundation to bring a unique opportunity for New Zealand based Coaches to attend an online workshop with Olympic and World Cup gold medal coach, Shane Mcleod.

Shane was the coach of the Belgium Mens National Hockey Team, the Red Lions, taking the team to win their first World Cup title in 2018. The firsts for the team continued under the leadership of Shane winning the Euro Hockey Championship in 2019 and the Olympic Gold at the Tokyo Games.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to engage with Shane to learn more about his story and to grow and develop your coaching knowledge and skills.

Click on the link for more information and to enter:

Entries close 21st of May.


Lucy Corrigan | Communications and Marketing Manager | Canterbury Hockey ASSOCIATION
P 03 360 3010 | M 027 238 0712 |  E<> |<>

4 May 2023  - Junior Hockey Season starting

We hope everyone is excited for the start of Junior Hockey especially after watching some of the fantastic international hockey at Pro League!
The junior draws are now LIVE on PLAYHQ for the junior Hockey season find them here:

As per previous years the season is broken into 3 blocks - Pre Kings birthday weekend, Kings birthday until term 2 holidays, and then start of term 3 until the end of the season.

The first block of four weeks have the draws published and the second block will be completed the week of Kings birthday. This allows Canterbury Hockey time to re-grade any teams to ensure teams are playing evenly matched competitive games as often as possible - If you feel like your team needs more challenging games or are finding their current games too tough please talk to your coaches who can then speak with your Junior club coordinator/captain to request these changes.

A reminder our Junior non playing dates for junior hockey are 3rd June - Kings Birthday, 8th July - Middle Weekend of school holidays and 15th July Matariki Weekend!

3 May 2023 - Under 18 Player workload

Tomorrow evening, I will be holding a meeting at Nunweek Pavilion to discuss the issue of U18 workload management. Early last week I communicated directly with relevant coaches and have had good response, however I thought that I should extend this invite to any club or school coordinators that might be interested in attending. I apologise that this is coming to you late! Feel free to pass on to any relevant people.


Here is the information that was sent out to coaches, if you would like to attend, please let me know 😊


As I am sure you are aware, the workload of our U18 athletes is at an all time high as they manage commitments to numerous different teams or sporting codes (while also balancing the other aspects of their busy lives). This year, CHA are keen to try and be proactive with this issue by implementing some guidelines and recommendations for our clubs and schools to follow. We also believe that it is important to ensure that coaches within our community are involved within this process, so we intend to create an opportunity to get as many coaches in a room as possible to collaborate and discuss the various ways that we can keep the wellbeing of the athlete as a priority.


You have been sent this email as a potential coach that would have U18 Representative players within your team and are invited to attend a hui on Thursday 4th May 4.45pm-5.30pm at the Nunweek Pavilion which will tackle the U18 workload conundrum.


If you would like to attend this meeting next week, could you please RSVP to this email.


Kind regards,


28 April 2023 - Junior Hockey Season Draw Weeks 1-4

The draw for Block one of the Junior Hockey Season is now live on PlayHQ!


This is the first four weeks before our first break (Kings birthday weekend) where there will be a re draw to make sure teams are playing as many evenly matched matches as possible.


Like previous seasons – at any time you feel like your team needs to be challenged more or play slightly less challenging games please let me know and we can look to adjust that for their rounds moving forward. I can do this at any stage of the season so please look to keep that dialogue open with your coaches so we can give the players a good experience.


You will see on the Saturday the 6th of May there are games being played later than usual. This is because we are hosting a trans- Tasman masters tournament so don’t have access to the Nga Puna Wai turfs that weekend. Games times after this will revert back to our normal schedule.


I have also tried to evenly allocated teams to game in Rangiora and Foster park Rolleston so these teams get home games and “town teams” dont have to travel out there too often. This will all be evened out across the season.


Also just another reminder (Document attached) to get all your junior players to register. They don’t need to be put into their specific teams (unless you want to for club admin purposes) but they do need to be registered to their club. Again this year junior teams do not have to complete match cards.


If you have any questions regarding the season, PlayHQ or anything junior hockey related please let me know


27 April 2023 - Nunweek game filming
Can you please advise all of your coaches and managers that filming from on top of the blue containers at the south end on Nunweek Park turf one is not allowed due to health and safety regulations.

Canterbury hockey are looking into a permanent solution for both turf 1 and 2 but until then please don't hop up on the containers.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Steve Hill  |  Facilities Manager  |  Canterbury Hockey

13 April 2023 - CHA Player Registrations | CPL and Division 1

A reminder that your club needs to have the required minimum of 14 players for CPL and 12 for Division 1 registered before their first game. Playing an unregistered player may result in the loss of competition points so if you have anyone planning on playing Division 1 or CPL this weekend they MUST be registered in your club either for the team they are playing for or for a lower graded team within the play up rules framework.

For the sake of Transparency the following clubs do not the enough players currently registered to meet the threshold
SUHC Women

Division 1
Rangiora Men
Rangiora Women
SUHC Sluggers
HSOB Women
Avon Men
Mid Canterbury Women

If you need any clarification please let me know ASAP


12 April 2-23 Nga Puna Wai | Venue update | Pro League

With an exciting and busy month coming up I wanted to give all club and school contacts an update regarding Nga Puna Wai for the dates 17/04/2023 - 30/04/2023 (inclusive)

Changing Rooms

For this whole date range we will not have access to any changing rooms at Nga Puna Wai. If you have any games at Nga Puna Wai over this period please advise your teams they will need to have any pre or post-match meetings off site or somewhere else (outside) at the venue. We will still have normal use to the toilet blocks at the end of the changing room block. This will affect mid Week mens and womens grades, Division 1 games Friday the 21st April and the CPL games on Saturday the 22nd in the morning

Training changes

Skedda is the most up to date booking information in the system. Please double check your training bookings for this period as quite a few have moved either times, venues or both or may have been removed all together. In the notes section of booking there will be detail if this is a relocated booking or not. If you require any further turf time please check the free spots on Skedda and get in touch with me. The link to view the booking calendar is here

Fencing and infrastructure

There is quite a bit of temporary fencing and some filming towers going up around turf 1 to make it a fully enclosed area. This will obviously be fully closed on match days and you will need a ticket to get in. On non game days please just remind teams to not move any fencing and do not bring any alcohol into the fenced area at any stage.


6 April 2023 - Platinum and Junior Team entries closing

With the long weekend upon us I wanted to send through a reminder that our platinum grade entries close this coming Tuesday the 11th of April at 10.30pm

Junior entries close Sunday the 16th of April at 10.30pm
If you need any help with either of these grades and team entries please let me know

4 April 2023 - CHA Available Turf slots

Please see below all the additional turf slots we still have available if anyone wants to take these up or swap a current slot to one of these
5-6pm ½ Turf nunweek 1
830-930pm ½ turf NPW 1

8.30-930pm ½ Turf Nunweek 1
8.30-930pm full turf Nunweek 3

8.30-930pm Full Turf Nunweek 1
8.30-930pm Full Turf Nunweek 3

Please let me know if you would like any of the above


4 April 2023 Electronic match cards on PlayHQ - sent to Secretaries

With the season getting underway I just wanted to send out a reminder regarding club and team obligations to complete and electronic match card for all players playing for a certain team on any given match day. This helps with tracking goals, discipline cards and matches played per player (including playups).  PlayHQ Club help sheet reminder for secretaries if your club still needs to get players to register or allocate players to their teams.

On Sunday and Monday some teams did not submit a team sheet please follow up with them

TEAM LINE UP FOR MANAGERS AND COACHES Here is also the link you can send to club team managers or coaches on how to do their team line up before they get to the turf

Or they can do their team line up on the tablet at the turf.

With a week off now with Easter it's a perfect time to have a week or so to remind them all of the process - We don't want to get to the punishment stage when teams don't complete their team line ups!
If you need any help with the process please get in touch and will can arrange help


Junior Hockey Fives Festival

Just a reminder that entries for our Year 7&8 Junior Hockey Fives Festival open on the 1st of April and close 11th April.

Junior Hockey Fives Festival event will be running on the 20th of April with games running from 9-4pm (times to be confirmed when team registrations close but this is the aim). Cost per team is $100.



2023 CHA Umpire Abuse Initiative

CHA trialled an Umpire Abuse Initiative for our Masters Club competition to not only place a spotlight and create awareness of this issue, but to also show support for our officials and provide them with tools, support and assurance that it is not ok to be abused while officiating the sport we all love. recent summer trial, this email is to advise that this initiative and stance will be updated and rolled out for the upcoming 2023 Canterbury Hockey winter season for all youth and senior grades.

CLICK HERE  for information outlining the 2023 CHA Umpire Abuse Initiative.

Note – you are receiving this email as a representative of your Club or School who are set to participate in the upcoming winter season.

Important – as a representative of your Club or School, can you please ensure that this email and/or attached 2023 CHA Umpire Abuse Initiative document is communicated to your Club / School committee members, coaches and managers to discuss and explain the initiative with our community of players.

Can I please also ask that this is communicated in a supportive manner of CHA and the initiative on behalf of your Club / School. Ideally to show that your Club/School acknowledges and supports the importance of the initiative to help eradicating umpire abuse from our sport.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Ethan at any time.

27 March 2023 Porritt Cup important information

Below is all the important information that you need to know for the Porritt Cup this Friday and Saturday

  *   Matches are 25 minute halves
  *   If any match is a full time draw then a 3 person shoot out must commence immediately.
  *   Clubs do not have to add players to the Porritt Cup teams on PlayHQ and do not have to do team line ups at the games

Unfortunately Nunweek 1 will not have its lights ready on time so we need to use the Rangiora turf on Friday for some games. This will now be Carlton vs Rangiora in Division 1 women 6.30pm at Rangiora and SUHC vs Rangiora Division 1 men 7.30pm at Rangiora.

The HSOB Division 1 Mens team have unfortunately had to withdraw so the Division 1 Mens has slightly changed on the Friday night. This means the loser of Marist vs University division 1 men on Friday night will have a bye for their first game on Saturday morning at 11am. The rangiora Division 1 mens team previously had 2 games scheduled for Friday night but this is now one as mentioned above. For the 1pm Division 1 men lower playoff games there will also be 1 x team with a bye as well - This draw will be completed after Division 1 mens first round on Saturday to ensure the same team does not have a bye twice.

We have also been informed that the Nunweek 1 turf surface will not be ready for this Saturday either so the games scheduled for Nunweek 1 have now been moved to Marist Park. This means depending on if you win or lose games at Nunweek park and Marist Park on Saturday you may need to drive between venues to play your second game (you would have 1 hour to do so) - Making the best of a difficult situation!

If you have any questions regarding the competition please get in touch


3 March 2023 - Updated Porritt Cup Draw
I have now finalised the Porritt Cup Draws and scheduled them for the two days - Friday the 31/03 and Saturday 01/04

I have opened up more venues on the Friday night now so games are not going as late as originally scheduled so please re check your teams schedules.

All games are 25 minute halves with a 5 minute half time. If there is a full time draw there needs to be an immediate 3 person shoot out conducted. No paper work etc is needed teams just need to select their 3 players and get into it.

In the CPL Men and Women and the D1 Women it is a 8 team quarter final bracket with quarter finals Friday night followed by semis and finals on the Saturday (with all lower playoffs as well)

Division 1 men have 10 teams so on the Friday night there is 2 "play in games" to reach the Quarter final brackets. Then Quarters, semis and finals. Play in games followed by Quarter finals are played Friday night. The two teams that lose the "play in games" will play each other on Saturday while the semi finals and quarter final losers games are being played and then the 2 play in losers and the 4 quarter final losers will be randomly drawn for their second game on Saturday while the 3 vs 4 playoff and final are on.

If your club has any questions please get in touch
Sam Grimshaw  |  Competitions and Events Manager  |  Canterbury Hockey ASSOCIATION


3 March - South Island Hockey 5s - Saturday 18th March

A reminder that the entries for the South Island Hockey 5s competition are open on PlayHQ and close next Friday the 10th of March. Here are some of the details
  *   This year it is a one day event on Saturday the 18th of March
  *   This is the expected first weekend of Nunweek Park 1 turf being ready so games will be played across Nunweek 1 and 2!
  *   Being the first weekend of the completed nunweek park renovations there is going to be an opening event in the afternoon/evening after the hockey5s is complete. More details to be released regarding this

Further details regarding the event will be published once entries close

1 March Canterbury Hockey Rules Evening Sunday 19th March 5:30 - 7:00pm. Nunweek Pavilion
Canterbury Hockey are hosting are hosting a Rules evening for all coaches and managers of any club team.   This evening will be held at Nunweek Pavilion on Sunday 19th March 5:30 - 7:00pm. 
We welcome all coaches and managers from all grades ABOVE Saturday Juniors. If you have any questions, please contact

Click on the link to register:


1 March FIH Pro-League

To all Canterbury, Mid-Canterbury and South Canterbury Clubs,

The FIH Pro League matches between the Vantage Black Sticks (men and women) and Australia and Great Britain are right around the corner and in (or not far from) your backyard! We all know hockey players are competitive, so we wanted to create a little inter-club competition to max out the support for our Black Sticks men and women from April 22-30 in Christchurch.

We have $500 worth of Kookaburra hockey equipment and a training session with a Black Sticks coach up for grabs for the club who purchases the most tickets to the FIH Pro League games. All that your club members or those associated with the club have to do is enter the club code (list below) into the promo code box CARLTONREDCLIFFSHC at checkout to ensure the tickets* go towards your total club tally.

Rally your teams, friends and family and make a day of it! Tickets from just $5 and are now on sale!

Click here to get yours now or share the link:!